Nata de coco factory

Sunday, July 15, 2012

On our way back to Multimedia University Cyberjaya, we stop at the nata de coco factory which is also located in Sungai Besar and just take 15 minutes from our homestay. We spent about an hour there and the owner of the factory himself brief us on how to produce nata de coco.

The factory owner brief us on how to make nata de coco step by step.

The factory owner showing us example of unfinished nata de coco.  

Students listened carefully what the owner said and record a picture using a camera.

Students are given the opportunity to taste their nata de coco.

Our bus parked beside the main road and waiting for us.

Bamboo fishing

Bamboo fishing is one of the interactive activities that anticipate. Everyone got their own bamboo stick for fishing and it seems everyone enjoyed during this activity. The basic essential tools that are needed for this type of fishing is a bamboo stick, fishing line, hooks and bait.

fishing with a peaceful mind. 

 the deck can fit around 40 people in one time.


the crickets was given as the bait.

finally! one of us got a spiky fish which is called "puyu"

Scarecrow making

Scarecrow is basically a decoy. It is a human figure dressed in old cloth and placed in paddy field by farmer to frighten the birds that usually destroy crops. In this activity, we need to make a simple scarecrow by using basic items such as old cloth, 2 wooden sticks, a roll of rope,  an old hat and a bunch of hay.

Mr. Atan demonstrated how to make a scarecrow while others watched it carefully.

We put the cloths on the cross and stuffed it with hay, then we shaped it using our own creativity.

A group of students take a memorials picture with their scarecrow.

Kuda kepang

Kuda kepang dance is one of other popular activities among Tanjung Karang citizen. Originally this dance came from Indonesia and were brought to Malaysia by the Javanese people. The dance was once a form of totemic worship and had strong  links with spirit possession. Nowadays, this dance became a part of our cultures.

As we can see, java feature was clearly on the clothes of the dancers.

Students are given the opportunity to experience the kuda kepang dance.

One of the dancers with tiger spirit.

The master of kuda kepang explained deeper about kuda kepang.

Kite making

Keke' kite is one of  the traditional game that popular among javanese people.This type of kite are not like others ordinary kite, this kite were made by professionals and they actually make it perfectly align to make sure this kite perfectly fly. This kite may look simple but it is actually very complicated to make one. The items that needed for make keke' kite is bamboo stick, glue, special type of paper and thread.

Professional kite maker shows how to make this kite perfectly align.

The professional show us the special type of paper used to make keke' kite.

Students were given opportunity to make keke' kite.

Bahulu and kerepek factory

While in Tanjung Karang we were given an opportunity to visit the bahulu and kerepek factory located  near our home stay and it took around 5 minutes to reach this factory.  The  factory was owned by Hajjah Kasmirah Munasir. This factory has been operating for more than 20 years and their main product was bahulu and kerepek. Beside from that they also produce other cookies like pineapple tart.

These worker shows us how to package the bahulu. 

The unique shape of their bahulu.

Students can make their own bahulu.

several worker required for cassava peeling .

The strips of cassava mixed with turmeric as flavoring.

Frying the strips of cassava.

Night Walk

Before night walk activity we were given an extremely tasty durians for give us some energy.

Some students that enjoyed eating a tasty durian.

All the students gathered before night walk activity.

We started night walk activity right after eating an amazing durians. We divided into 6 groups and each groups were given 2 lanterns to brighten our path. In this activity we are required to walk around the paddy fields, which is as far as 3 km.

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